CAPABLE – Enhancing Capabilities?

CAPABLE – Enhancing Capabilities?

Rethinking Work-life Policies and their Impact from a New Perspective


Coronaconclaaf: Mara Yerkes. Interview in a series of talks on the impact of COVID-19 on society and democracy, De Balie, 14 December, 2021.
Capable PI Dr. Mara Yerkes gives an invited keynote speech for International Women’s Day 2021: Dillema’s in Female careers, Utrecht University, 8 March, 2021.
Mara Yerkes, ‘Hoe heeft de coronacrisis de rolverdeling tussen mannen en vrouwen veranderd?’, presentation at the Studium Generale Science Sessions, Utrecht University, 16 September 2020.
Mara Yerkes, ‘Capability benadering bij mantelzorg’, presentation at the webinar series ‘Mantelzorgbeleid op de agenda’, 26 May 2020.

Mara Yerkes presents research from the COVID Gender (In)equality Survey Netherlands (COGIS-NL) study at the Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change seminar of Leeds University Business School.